We support our clients’ people, and how they enable strategy to become reality, with five service offerings:
We provide reliable and innovative one-stop-shopping in executive coaching for global companies.
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Our services include
The Global Coaching Group guarantees global reach and fast access to top coaches
We also offer coaching via telephone and web-conference and typically recommend a mix of face-to-face and phone or web coaching.
Together with our clients, we co-create global coaching programs. We configure our best practice processes and tools to serve our clients’ specific and ever-changing needs for today and tomorrow.
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Aligned senior teams are key to making potential competitive advantage become a reality. They are a must-have for the development of collaborative and agile organizational cultures.
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Similar to individual coaching, team coaching spans a period of time. With a coach at their side, teams:
In our experience team coaching works best if it is combined with individual coaching for the team lead.
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Is your organization at the forefront of bringing coaching skills to all who need them? For example your first line managers? Are you considering building a coach pool of internal coaches?
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In initiatives like these, we enable our clients to spread coaching throughout their entire organization. We offer:
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Leadership is first of all a matter of “being”. People lead according to “who they are”. Therefore, leadership skill development without inner work on mindset shifts has proven not to be very successful.
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Organizational transformation starts with the transformation of its leaders. Otherwise it is limited by the level of consciousness of its senior leaders. And, leadership is not about leaders. Leadership is a relationship between those who lead and those who follow – regardless of titles and positions. For this relationship to be powerful, everyone involved needs to initiate, agree, oppose, and facilitate at the right time and place. This collective leadership requires skillful dialogue and the right mindset – and it can best be learned when closely blended with organizational problem solving.
Our “Leadershift” Transformation offering augments an organization’s capacity to lead, to follow, and, in the end, to be responsive to changing environments. We do this through:
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We support organizations in creating long-lasting success based on meaning, connectedness, vitality, creativity and a capacity for ongoing adaption.
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Research shows that successful organizational transformation initiatives have two things in common:
We have a long history of working with individual and organizational behaviors and mindsets. And we learn from our own evolution. All this we bring to our integrated approach to organizational transformation. Our approach blends the development of individual mindsets, behaviors, skills, culture, strategy, structure and process in organizations.
Integrated Organizational and Cultural Transformation may include all of our offerings plus large group facilitation as needed.
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